“Achieving Excellence through Hard Work, Perseverance and Human Kindness”.


Our Mission is to provide First Class quality early education of international standard to underprivileged children in Ihiala and surrounding towns using modern technology. Ihiala is a rural town in Anambra State, Nigera.
Children are the future and quality education is the key for success for the children in Nigeria. Investing in the children now produces world leaders of tomorrow. Every child should have a good and early start in education. Hence, LJO Primary and Nursery Schools started early education with Pre-Nursery, Nursery One, Two, Three to Primary six to expose these young students early to computers and books. Our Library has many books for them to read as we continue to build up the Library.


Our goal is to provide quality education, support, and the tools our children need to compete globally on international standardized proficiency tests. We strive for academic excellence while promoting human kindness, honesty, and integrity.

We emphasize English, Mathematics, Computer Technology, and Science, while also covering other subjects. Our curriculum integrates both theory and hands-on experience, incorporating elements from Nigerian and USA educational standards.

Quality education opens doors, helping children avoid illiteracy and its resulting poverty. To this end, LJO Schools are subsidized, and we aim to provide scholarships to qualified children who cannot afford to attend.

LJO founders are committed to making a difference in the lives of children and the community. We recruit and retain qualified, excellent teachers who are dedicated to providing high-quality education and a nurturing environment for children to thrive and succeed.


LJO Schools are subsidized and scholarship are given to those who cannot afford it. Lucy O’Charity Inc is a 501(C)3 non profit organization. The Wikipedia Encyclopedia reported that the literacy rate in Nigeria in 2013 was 61.3%, compared to 99% in USA. It went further to say that according to CIA World fact book, 75% of the world’s illiterate adults are concentrated in 10 countries and Nigeria is among these countries. Clearly, quality education is needed in Nigeria.
We at Lucy O’ Charity Inc. believe education is the future for the children in Nigeria. Good education opens closed doors and gives the children the opportunity of a life time and a better chance for a successful future.

Every child needs a good start in life. Please change a child’s life and become a Sponsor for only $15 a month or $180 per month. The direct cost is approximately $15 per month to educate a child in this school, but any amount you donate will be highly appreciated. Your donation provides a child with a life changing educational opportunity. Your donation is tax deductible. Please consult your tax adviser.

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